Outlaw Rogue - PVE Guide - Patch 7.3.5


Hey good! How is life for Azeroth? Today we bring you the Outlaw Rogue guide with basic tips for the class, recommended gems and enchantments, talents and, of course, the best equipment for this patch. Let's get started!

Outlaw Rogue

Rogues often launch their battles in the shadows, beginning with bloody melee blows. In long battles, they use successive attacks, carefully selected to prepare the enemy for the final blow. 


  • Has massive damage in multi-target encounters.
  • It adapts to any situation.
  • He has very useful defense skills.

Weak points

  • It consumes a lot of energy.
  • The damage of this specialization varies constantly.
  • Has very little damage in single-target encounters.

Modifications in patch 7.3.5

  • There have been no changes in this patch.


Following the same line as previous guides, I will bring you several ways to face your enemies and different ways to develop the encounters, be it massive objectives or just single-objective encounters. As in the previous guide, choose the ones that you like the most or are close to your possibilities.

-Talents in yellow: they can become the best depending on which fights, in this case, they are the best for single-objective encounters.
-Talents in blue: you can choose them in case you do not like the ones that appear in yellow, there will not be much difference in the DPS.
-Talents in green: these talents are the best to do much more damage in areas, that is, encounters with more than three objectives.

  • Level 15: Quick Hand
  • Level 30: Hook
  • Level 45: Depth Stratagem
  • Level 60: Cheat Death
  • Level 75: Abuse the Weak
  • Level 90: Promptness
  • Level 100: Make mincemeat

Rogue Outlaw Talents 7.3.5

lvl 15

  • Ghostly strike: Hit an enemy with your cursed weapon, dealing 252%. physical damage and causes the target to take 10% more damage from your abilities for 15 sec.
  • Sword master: Saber Slash has an additional 10% chance to hit once more.
  • Fast hand: Free Pistol Shot uses granted by Saber Slash now generate 1. combo bonus and deal 50% bonus damage.

Ghostly strike he is the best talent for most situations and the default talent if we don't have the right legendary.

Fast hand is the talent we'll choose when we get the legendary Green leather flooded handles.

Sword master is an alternative to Ghostly strike but, for raid, the other is much better.

lvl 30

  • Hook: Throws a grappling hook that moves you to the target location.
  • Acrobatic strikes: Increases the range of all your melee attacks by 3 yards.
  • Fleeting attack: Increases your movement speed by 15% at all times.

The choice of this talent branch will not affect our damage. For that reason and since all the talents in this branch are based solely on the mobility of the character, we will choose Hook as default since the movement is almost instantaneous.

Acrobatic strikes It is not a bad option and it is supposed to be the recommended one but… 3 meters more, 3 meters… it is not something that shows the truth.

lvl 45

  • Depth Stratagem: You can have a maximum of 6 p. combo, and your finishing moves consume a maximum of 6. combo and deal 5% more damage.
  • Anticipation: You can have up to 10 p. combo. Finishers still consume a maximum of 5 points. combo.
  • Vigor: Increases your maximum Energy by 50. and your energy regeneration 10%.

Depth Stratagem It is the best option at all times and under any situation since it is the one that gives us the most damage of the three. This talent is recommended and the one used by raiders in this specialization.

lvl 60

  • Iron stomach: Increases the healing you receive from Crimson Vial, Healing Potions, and Healthstones by 30%.
  • Elusion: Feint also reduces all damage you take from non-area-of-effect attacks by 30% for 5 sec.
  • Cheat death: Fatal attacks reduce your health to 7% of your maximum health instead of killing you. For the next 3 sec, you take 85% less damage. It cannot be activated more than once every 6 min.

So much Elusion as Cheat death They are great and good options. However, Elusion It is much more useful if we know with complete certainty when we are going to receive damage. Cheat death it is most useful if you are still new to this specialization ... and if you are not especially a dodging ace.

Iron stomach It is a good option as long as it is used only for leveling or world missions.

lvl 75

  • Truce: Pacifies a target not in combat and forces them to negotiate instead of fighting for 5 min. It only works on Humanoids, Demons, and Dragonkin. Damage dealt will break the peace. It is limited to 1 target.
  • Abuse the weak: Enemies incapacitated by your Kidney Strike, Cheap Strike, or Bash take an additional 10% damage from all sources.
  • Playful: Cheap Shot, Gouge, and Bang no longer cost Energy.

As with the previous talent branch, both Abuse the weak as Playful can be used for raid. Abuse the weakHowever, it is the one that can be most useful since it will increase the damage inflicted by 10%, in other words, it is the talent that most influences combat.

Truce... well ... I think it goes without saying that your choice is not necessary, right?

lvl 90

  • Cannon Barrage: Orders the crew of a ghost ship to bombard a target area with cannonballs that deal [(195% attack power) * 6] p. Physical damage for 2 sec and slow enemies by 50% for 1.5 sec.
  • Readiness: Your finishing moves have a 20 + (20 * combo points)% chance for each combo point to grant 2% haste for 20 sec. Stacks up to 10 times.
  • Multiple murder: Teleport to an enemy within 10 yards and attack them 7 times over 3 sec with both weapons to deal (338% * 7 + 338% * 7). total physical damage. While Flurry of Steel is active, each Kill Kill attack will teleport you to a different nearby enemy target for damage.

Readiness It is the only viable option for raid since it will allow us to maintain the buffs during combat and, therefore, inflict a greater amount of damage over time.

Neither of the other two talents Cannon Barrage y Multiple murder, falls short of the former in terms of single-objective encounters. However, they are useful talents as residual damage.

lvl 100

  • Make minceFinishing move that consumes combo points to increase attack speed by 125% and energy regeneration rate by 15%. Continues for each combo point: 1 point: 12 seconds / 2 points: 18 seconds / 3 points: 24 seconds / 4 points: 30 seconds / 5 points: 36 seconds. Depth Stratagem  6 p .: 42 sec.  Take Slice (Honor Talent)
    Using Lots of Money applies 15% haste to allies within 8 yards for 8 sec.
  • Marked to die: Marks the target, instantly generating 5. combo. The cooldown is reset if the target dies within 1 min.
  • Descent of deathFinisher that powers your weapons with Shadow energy and unleashes a devastating two-part attack. Tap for up to (440% attack power). damage to all enemies within 8 yards. Then you jump upwards and as you descend you use Eviscerate against the target with such force that it has a 50% more powerful effect.

And for this last talent pool, the choice will be easy.

Marked to die it will be the talent that we will choose when we begin to use this specialization. When we are minimally equipped, we will change to Make mince since it is the best option of this branch.

On the other hand, Descent of death It is not very useful for raid, and for that reason we will not consider its use.


Before attaching the image that will help you to make the best paths in your artifact weapon, I must warn you that at level 110 you will directly unlock Artifact Knowledge at level 41, obtaining an artifact point multiplier of 5.200.000 %. Perhaps it is best to wait at maximum level to worry about the roads and not waste a lot of time in this regard.

rogue outlaw artifact weapon

Secondary statistics

Versatility = Haste> Critical Strike> Mastery



Flasks and potions

Practical tips

BIS team

Groove Part name Bis Boss who lets go
Helmet  Living Brambles Headdress  Essence of Eonar
Pendant  Vulcanar Core Pendant  Gatekeeper Hasabel
Shoulder pads  Mantle of the Master Assassin  Legendary
Cover  Cloak of the dashing scoundrel  Admiral Svirax
Front  Vest of the dashing scoundrel  Essence of Eonar
Bracers  Green leather flooded handles  Legendary
Gloves  Gloves of the dashing scoundrel  Kin'garoth
Belt  Girdle of Enveloping Death  Argus the Unmaker
Trousers  Pants of the dashing scoundrel  Imonar the Soul Hunter
Boots  Depraved Machinist's Footpads  Kin'garoth
Ring 1  Zealous Torturer's Ring  Noura, Mother of the Flames
Ring 2  Seal of the Portalmaster  Gatekeeper Hasabel
Trinket 1  Vision of Aman'thul  Argus the Unmaker
Trinket 2  Pervading Winged Plague  Varimatras
Blood relic  Svirax Grim Trophy  Admiral Svirax
Iron relic  Shear with Vile Etchings  Gatekeeper Hasabel
Storm Relic  Thunderer's Conch  Argus the Unmaker

Useful addons

ElvUI: Addon that modifies your entire interface according to practically everything you want to see.

Bartender4/dominos: Addon to customize action bars, add keyboard shortcuts, etc.

MikScrollingBattleText: Floating text addon of combat, healing, skill damage, etc.

deadlybossmods: Addon that alerts us to the abilities of the gang leaders.

Recount/Skada Damage Meter: Addon to measure dps, agro generated, deaths, healings, damage received, etc.

EpicMusicPlayer: Addon to listen to personalized music.

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