
1-600 Enrollment Guide

Here we bring you a guide on how to upload your Enrollment Profession in the fastest way from level 1 to 600.

Inscription is a profession that allows you to craft mostly glyphs for World of Warcraft classes, although they have a few other things worth doing.

To climb this profession it is almost essential to use Herbalism although if not, you will have to rummage through your bags of gold and prepare to leave yourself a good fortune in the Auction House.

1-525 Enrollment Guide

Deathwing has returned and everything is changed. There are many new things... But here we bring you a guide on how to upload your Enrollment Profession in the fastest way from level 1 to 525.

Inscription is a profession that allows you to craft mostly glyphs for World of Warcraft classes, although they have a few other things worth doing.

To climb this profession it is almost essential to use Herbalism although if not, you will have to rummage through your bags of gold and prepare to leave yourself a good fortune in the Auction House.

Rinse out your mortar and prepare to make the most of the plants that populate Azeroth.

450-525 Enrollment Guide

The intention of this guide is to show you the easiest way to go up Enrollment Level 450-525. Maybe you have not yet uploaded Registration from 1 to 450, do not forget to visit our Enrollment guide to get to the max level before Cataclysm starts. For this we will only use materials obtained through herbalism or purchased from vendors. We have tried to use as few materials as possible.

To progress in Enrollment, we will need any of the new plants introduced in Cataclysm. This is Ash Flower, Windvine, Veil of Azshara, Heart Flower, Twilight Jasmine, and Whiptail. By grinding them we will obtain Ashen Pigment or, rarely, Burning embers.

We can start from level 425 by making Blackfang Ink that we will later use in our process.


Enrollment Guide 1 - 450

La Registration is a profession that was included in the game in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Inscribers create Glyphs that enhance an individual spell or ability. Inscribers can also create Vellums so that enchanters can put their enchantments on them, this meant that enchantments could be traded at auction. They can also manufacture scrolls.

All enrollment recipes require some type of Ink. These are achieved with a skill called GrindWith a use such as Prospecting of jewelers, with this ability you will be able to extract pigments from different plants, pigments are the raw material of inks. So the best profession to combine with registration is Herbalism (do not forget to visit the herbalist guide).

Glyphs are highly appreciated and necessary for good equipment. There are two types of Glyphs: Sublime and Minor. The sublime ones will have effects in combat (adding damage, improving healing...), while the minor glyphs will give us an improvement such as not needing some type of component for the activation of certain class-specific abilities.

A guide not to get lost.