AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

Aloha! Amamephu anezixhumanisi ze-Arathi Highlands Warfront emaka konke ukuqhutshwa ngezintaba, amathoyizi nezilwane ezifuywayo.

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 67.9 66.5 Swift Albino Kama Raptor Beast Rider
/ indlela 56.6 44.5 Oqhekeza ugebhezi
/ indlela 67.9 60.9 Nimar the Witherwing Ripper Witherbark
/ indlela 33.5 37.0 Umbonisi uKrix Burrito (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ way 53.9 56.9 Doom Rider Helgrim Highland Highland Horse (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ way 49.0 40.0 IHighland Knight Captain Aldrin Mesteño Tamed (uma uHorde elawula iWarfront)

/ indlela 14.0 36.9 Ama-yogurt Crusts
/ indlela 22.9 22.2 Igatsha INkosi u-Aldrus Aldrus Hlumela
/ indlela 36.9 66.0 I-Plaguefeather Iqanda Elihlushwa
/ indlela 56.7 54.1 Venenomarus Furry Crawler
/ indlela 52.3 72.4 Ukuzingela I-Beater Rog Mana Coated Egg
/ indlela 56.6 36.0 Echo ye-Myzrael Tiny Titanic Orb
/ indlela 59.6 27.8 Fozruk Shard of Fozruk (patrol)
/ indlela 38.0 57.5 Fozruk Shard of Fozruk (patrol)
/ way 11.9 52.1 Eggbeak Egagbeak (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 18.4 27.9 Eggbeak evuthayo (uma iHorde ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 50.8 36.5 Darbel Montrosa Tiny Grimoire (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWar Front)
/ indlela 50.4 61.2 Darbel Montrosa Tiny Grimoire (uma uHorde elawula iWar Front)
/ indlela 37.0 39.2 Bhomboloza ngeDoom Toy Siege Tower (Alliance World Boss)
/ indlela 37.0 39.2 I-Lion's Roar Toy War Machine (IHorde World Boss)

/ indlela 47.6 77.9 Molok iMolok Morion Crusher
/ indlela 28.7 45.5 Kovork Korvork Disguise (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 48.0 79.5 Kor'gresh Frostwrath Isiqandisisi I-Frostwrath (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 62.8 80.8 iZalas Drybark Gong Drybark (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 43.0 57.0 Ruul Onastone Rock of Magical Amusement
/ indlela 29.8 45.5 I-Belly Nauseating Gut (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 78.0 37.0 Geomancer Flintblade Brazier Cap (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ way 50.7 57.5 Brotherhood Kantor Mask (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 50.8 40.8 Brotherhood Kantor Mask (uma iHorde ilawula iWar Front)
/ indlela 26.7 32.6 Ubuso beSpectral Apparition (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 19.5 60.9 Ghastly Apparition Spectral Face (uma iHorde ilawula iWarfront)

/ indlela 62.2 31.3 I-Watery Goliath Essence of High Tide
/ indlela 30.6 44.9 Burning Goliath Burning Essence
/ indlela 30.0 59.3 Ukuhlela kabusha i-Goliath Seismic Essence
/ indlela 46.6 52.1 Ukuduma kweGoliathi Ukuduma kwe-Essence

Abaphathi Bomhlaba

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 37.0 39.2

Uma i-Alliance ilawula i-Warfront

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

Uma iHorde ilawula iWarfront

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

okungavamile ngezikhwelo

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 67.9 66.5 Swift Albino Kama Raptor Beast Rider
/ indlela 56.6 44.5 Oqhekeza ugebhezi
/ indlela 67.9 60.9 Nimar the Witherwing Ripper Witherbark
/ indlela 33.5 37.0 Umbonisi uKrix Burrito (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ way 53.9 56.9 Doom Rider Helgrim Highland Highland Horse (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ way 49.0 40.0 IHighland Knight Captain Aldrin Mesteño Tamed (uma uHorde elawula iWarfront)

izimanga ngamathoyizi

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 47.6 77.9 Molok iMolok Morion Crusher
/ indlela 28.7 45.5 Kovork Korvork Disguise (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 48.0 79.5 Kor'gresh Frostwrath Isiqandisisi I-Frostwrath (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 62.8 80.8 iZalas Drybark Gong Drybark (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 43.0 57.0 Ruul Onastone Rock of Magical Amusement
/ indlela 29.8 45.5 I-Belly Nauseating Gut (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ indlela 78.0 37.0 Geomancer Flintblade Brazier Cap (ngaphakathi komhume)
/ way 50.7 57.5 Brotherhood Kantor Mask (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 50.8 40.8 Brotherhood Kantor Mask (uma iHorde ilawula iWar Front)
/ indlela 26.7 32.6 Ubuso beSpectral Apparition (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 19.5 60.9 Ghastly Apparition Spectral Face (uma iHorde ilawula iWarfront)

weirdos nezilwane ezifuywayo

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 14.0 36.9 Ama-yogurt Crusts
/ indlela 22.9 22.2 Igatsha INkosi u-Aldrus Aldrus Hlumela
/ indlela 36.9 66.0 I-Plaguefeather Iqanda Elihlushwa
/ indlela 56.7 54.1 Venenomarus Furry Crawler
/ indlela 52.3 72.4 Ukuzingela I-Beater Rog Mana Coated Egg
/ indlela 56.6 36.0 Echo ye-Myzrael Tiny Titanic Orb
/ indlela 59.6 27.8 Fozruk Shard of Fozruk (patrol)
/ indlela 38.0 57.5 Fozruk Shard of Fozruk (patrol)
/ way 11.9 52.1 Eggbeak Egagbeak (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 18.4 27.9 Eggbeak evuthayo (uma iHorde ilawula iWarfront)
/ indlela 50.8 36.5 Darbel Montrosa Tiny Grimoire (uma i-Alliance ilawula iWar Front)
/ indlela 50.4 61.2 Darbel Montrosa Tiny Grimoire (uma uHorde elawula iWar Front)

Ama-goliats (abalingani abalingani besikhathi esilinganiselwe)

AmaRares kuma-Arathi Highlands - Izindawo kanye Nemivuzo

/ indlela 62.2 31.3 I-Watery Goliath Essence of High Tide
/ indlela 30.6 44.9 Burning Goliath Burning Essence
/ indlela 30.0 59.3 Ukuhlela kabusha i-Goliath Seismic Essence
/ indlela 46.6 52.1 Ukuduma kweGoliathi Ukuduma kwe-Essence

Shiya umbono wakho

Ikheli lakho le ngeke ishicilelwe. Ezidingekayo ibhalwe nge *



  1. Ubhekele imininingwane: Miguel Ángel Gatón
  2. Inhloso yedatha: Lawula Ugaxekile, ukuphathwa kwamazwana.
  3. Ukusemthethweni: Imvume yakho
  4. Ukuxhumana kwemininingwane: Imininingwane ngeke idluliselwe kubantu besithathu ngaphandle kwesibopho esisemthethweni.
  5. Isitoreji sedatha: Idatabase ebanjwe yi-Occentus Networks (EU)
  6. Amalungelo: Nganoma yisiphi isikhathi ungakhawulela, uthole futhi ususe imininingwane yakho.