ice_toravon_vigia_ banner

Toravon the Ice Watcher

Toravon the Ice Watcher is the last boss you'll encounter in the Vault of Archavon, and similarly to his brothers, he'll reward us with Tier 10 Legs and Gloves and PvP Boots and Belts.

ice_toravon_vigia_ banner

  • Level:??
  • Race: Ice Giant
  • "Salud": 4,600,000 [10] / 15,060,000 [25]

Remember that your faction must control Wintergrasp. Additionally, it will award 2 x Emblem of Frost in both 10 and 25 player modes.


Koralon the Flame Watcher

Koralon the Flame Watcher He is the third head of the Chamber of Archavon and will be introduced in Patch 3.2.


Analogous to Archavon and Emalon, Koralon has as part of his loot, pieces of the Tier 9 and PvP pieces from Arena Season 7 and will only be active if your faction controls Wintergrasp.

  • Level:??
  • Race: Fire Giant
  • "Salud": 4,183,500 [10] / 15,339,500 [25]
  • Hard mode: No

Emalon Stormwatch

Emalon the Storm Watcher

Emalon the Storm Watcher he is the second head of the House of Archavon and was introduced in Patch 3.1.

Emalon's Guide

Analogous to Archavon, Emalon has as part of his loot, pieces of the Tier 8 and PvP pieces.

  • Level:??
  • Race: Iron Giant
  • "Salud": 2,700,000 [10] / 11,000,000 [25]
  • Hard mode: No