
Enchanting Guide 1-600

This is a detailed guide on how to easily raise your Routing from 1 to 600 in Mists of Pandaria. This guide is complete but there will be some players who will have to buy extra materials when they do not get the point of a yellow object. Some players may also find different items that are cheaper for them on their server depending on the economy but those may not return your gold. To go up from 1 to 600 you should have an amount of 25,000 gold. (Note: You can get around 20,000g or more by selling the Enchanted Vellums at auction.

Enchanting Guide 1-525

Deathwing has returned and everything is changed. There are many new things... But here we bring you a guide on how to upload your Enchanting Profession in the fastest way from level 1 to 525.

Enchanting is one of the most profitable professions in World of Warcraft, but it is also one of the most expensive. Players always need enchantments for their pieces of equipment that change frequently so that, accompanied by some vellums, we can make ourselves gold.

It is a profession typically combined with Tailoring Since it does not require any collection, since the objects made with Tailoring can well serve to disenchant you.

Enchanting Guide 450-525

This Enchanting Guide shows you the fastest way to raise your Enchanting profession from level 450 to 525. In case you haven't reached this level yet, visit and enjoy our Enchanting Guide 1 to 450 before Cataclysm arrives. In this guide we will only use materials that we can obtain using our ability to disenchant objects.

To start our guide, we count on the fact that you already have in your possession a Runed Titanium Rod.


Disenchantment Guide

This Disenchantment Guide It is intended to help you level up your enchanting skill and obtain items for the profession. The list below shows you all the information you need. You can follow our Enchanting Guide to go up quickly.

The type and quantity of materials that we obtain at the time of disenchantment varies depending on the type of the object (armor or weapon), level of the object and quality. There are some general rules that we can follow:

  • El Octopus we can find it normally in armor (75%) and weapons (20%)
  • All the essences we can find them in weapons (75%) and armor (20%)
  • The Fragments we can find them in blue equipment (97-100%), epic equipment (100%, 2-4x), and rarely of green equipment (3-5%)
  • The Crystals we will find them in the epic equipment and sometimes rarely in the blue equipment (~ 0.5%)