Event Guide: Lunar Festival

The Lunar Festival has arrived! It is time to launch fireworks, celebrate the lunar new year and show respect to your ancestors. Those who spend their valuable time visiting their ancestors will be greatly rewarded.

As a curiosity, the Lunar Festival is celebrated every year at the beginning of the Chinese New Year. In this year of 2013, it will be from January 27 to February 9.
The druids of Moonlight are in charge of celebrating this event, paying homage to the ancestors of Azeroth by both the Alliance and the Horde.

This year there are not many changes compared to the previous one, however we highlight the following:

Lantern Battles Pets

The novelties of the year 2012 were the

Moon lantern (Alliance) and the

Festival lantern (Horde) for 50

Coin of Ancestry, sold by Valadar Starsong. These Lanterns are blue / red respectively and have a style similar to the lanterns that decorate all areas of the Lunar Festival. The two are linked when equipped, meaning that players can get the opposing faction's Lantern pet at a Nuetral auction house.

In 2013, the pets are of the whole account which allows to have all the pets in different players through the pet diary.

Moon lantern y Festival lantern, Magic:

Some changes from 2012

If you are looking for the Violet Proto-Drake, you will have to complete the meta-achievement Honor personal ancestors whose longest part is to honor all ancestors. These are divided throughout Azeroth (not Outland).

The Cenarion Circle has even more reason to celebrate this year than any of the previous ones, as this is the first Lunar Festival since the return of many of the ancestors who had fallen in battles of the past: Goldrinn, Malorne, Aviana, and Cenarius himself. However, this celebration is silenced by the eternal torment of one of their own: Augurio, blessed by the goddess of the moon, Elune, has returned again from the depths of the lake of Claro de la Luna. Driven mad by the corrupted magic of the Burning Legion during the War of the Ancients, Elune's blessing of immortality dooms him for all eternity to return to his berserk state with the arrival of the new year. The heroes are called to help alleviate the ancestor's suffering, in the hope that perhaps next year he will return with a clearer mind.

Contents of the guide

Where there is an ancestor there is a treasure


As we have just explained, honoring the ancestors is one of the main activities of the Lunal Festival. This year, we will find 75 ancestors scattered throughout Azeroth (not Outland).

Contrary to what can happen with the Love in the Air event, it is necessary to be level 80 to complete the quest, since there are ancestors within the Northrend dungeons that require that level to access.

The Ancients will be grateful that we honor their memory, and by completing the quest each Ancestor has, you will earn 75 reputation points from all major cities in your faction and one

Coin of Ancestry. The coins, we will use them to buy some objects necessary for the festival and to complete other achievements so Keep them well!

In addition, for all the effort that you will make throughout Azeroth, you will receive in your mailbox, a Lucky red envelope in which we can find a Elder's Moonstone or a Lucky rocket firecracker.

As soon as possible we will put the maps (which are in process) of each continent so that it is easier for you to find the ancestors.

{slide = Kalimdor}


Kalimdor (21)

alliance (1)

Horde (2)

Dungeons (2)

Ancestors of Kalimdor (25)

The following acenstros are found in Kalimdor.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Bladeblade Ancestor teldrassil 57.0, 53.0 Dolanaar
Ancestor Cantofilo Silithus 53.0, 35.5 Strong Cenarion
Bloodhoof Elder mulgore 48.3, 53.4 Bloodhoof Village
Gleaming Spear Elder Winterspring 53.2, 56.8 Kel'Theril Lake
Visioniric Ancestor Tanary 51.3, 27.8 Gadgetzan
Grimtotem Elder feralas 76.7, 37.9 Lariss Pavilion
Elder Highmont The Southern Barrens 41.5, 47.5 Vendetta Point
Mistwalker Elder feralas 43.4, 67.7 In La Masacre PvP plaza
Moonguard Elder The Northern Barrens 48.5, 59.3 The crossing
Ancestor Albarrocío The Thousand Needles 77.1, 75.6 Mirage Circuit
Ancestor Nightwind Felwood 38.3, 52.9 Jaedenar
Elder Primstone Silithus 30.8, 13.3 The Vega de Cristal
Ancestor Totem of Wrath Tanary 37.2, 79.1 Outskirts of the Ruin of Uldum
Ancestor Riosona Ashenvale 35.6, 48.9 astranaar
Rune Totem Ancestor durotar 53.2, 43.6 Lock
Ancestor Shimmer azshara 64.7, 79.3 Raven Crest Monument
Sky Seer Ancestor The Thousand Needles 46.4, 51.0 Free Wind Outpost
Starweaver Elder Darkshore 49.5, 19.0 Near Lor'danel
Elder Flintstone Winterspring 60.1, 49.9 Eternal sight
Thunderhorn Elder Un'Goro Crater 50.4, 76.1 The Scar of the Slip
Windtotem Elder The Northern Barrens 68.4, 70.0 Ratchet

Ancestors of the Alliance (1)

The following centers are located in the Alliance capitals.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Ancestor Swiftblade Darnassus 38.8, 32.3 Cenarion Enclave

Ancestors of the Horde (2)

The following acenstros are located in the capitals of the Horde.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Darkstawn Elder Orc halters 52.4, 60.0 Valley of Wisdom
Elder Ezra Wheathoof Thunder Bluff 73.0, 23.3 High of the Ancients

Ancestors of the dungeons (2)

The following acenstros are found inside some dungeons.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Parterroca Ancestor maraudon 51.5, 93.7 Tunnel betweenRotten scale y Gizlock Handyman
Wildmane Elder Zul'Farrak Approx. Robotics Gahz'rilla

Ancestors of the Cataclysm (4)

The following ancestors were added in Cataclysm.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Ancestor Son of the wind Mount hyjal 27,62 Malorne Shrine
Shadowter Elder Mount hyjal 63,23 Nordrassil
Ancestor Menkhaf Uldum 66,19 Tomb of Khartut
Ancestor Sekhemi Uldum 32,63 Ruins of Ammon

{/ slide} {slide = Eastern Kingdoms}


Eastern Kingdoms (17)

alliance (2)

Horde (1)

Dungeons (4)

Ancestors of the Eastern Kingdoms (22)

The next acenstros are the Eastern Kingdoms.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Ancestor Bramira The Blasted Lands 54.3, 49.5 Dark Portal
Ancestor Caminalba The Burning Steppes 53.6, 24.5 Bluff flare
Gold Well Ancestor Dun morogh 53.9, 49.9 Kharanos
Buried Ancestor Tirisfal Glades 61.9, 53.9 Brill
High Summit Ancestor Hinterlands 49.0, 47.9 The Abject Ruins
Ironclaw Elder The Searing Gorge 21.3, 79.1 Black Tiz Cave
Elder Runner Western Plaguelands 63.5, 36.1 The Crying Cave
Ancestor Moonplena Western Plaguelands 69.2, 73.5 Outside from scholomance  (up the stairs)
Obsidian Ancestor Silverpine Forest 45.0, 41.1 The Sepulcher
Thunderrock Elder The Burning Steppes 70.1, 45.4 Dreadmaul Rock
Silver Vena Ancestor Loch Modan 33.0, 46.0 thelsamar
Ancestor Skyhunter Western Fells 56.6, 47.0 Sentinel Hill
Nevada Crown Ancestor Eastern Plaguelands 75.0, 54.0 Chapel of Hope of Light
Starlight Ancestor North Stranglethorn Vale 71.0, 34.3 Outskirts of Zul'Gubur
Stormwind Ancestor Elwynn Forest 39.8, 63.7 Golden villa
Ancestor Windfast Eastern Plaguelands 35.6, 68.8 Crown tower
Winterhoof Elder North Stranglethorn Vale 39.9, 72.5 Booty Bay

Ancestors of the Alliance (2)

The following centers are located in the Alliance capitals.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Bronzebeard Elder Ironforge 29.0, 16.0 Hall of Mysteries
Ancestor Roarmazo Elwynn Forest 34.2, 50.6 City Gates

Ancestors of the Horde (1)

The following acenstros are located in the capitals of the Horde.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Elder Darkchlore Bowels 67.0, 38.0 Ruins of Lordaeron, Throne Room

Ancestors of the dungeons (4)

The following acenstros are found inside some dungeons.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Ancestor Slight Whisper stratholme Approx. In the north zone (next to  The Unforgiven)
Alborhondo Elder Blackrock Depths Approx. Circle of Law
Starsong Elder Submerged temple Approx. Up the stairs, next to the dragonkin's room
Elder Petraforte Blackrock Summit(under) Next to the first bridge

Ancestors of the Cataclysm (5)

The following ancestors were added in Cataclysm.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Firebeard Elder Twilight Highlands 51,71 Montocre Ruins
Darkfeather Elder Twilight Highlands 52,33 Southeast of Bramal
Ancestor Stonemarker To inflate 50,55 Confirming
Ancestor Hondaforge To inflate 28,69 Stone Home
Ancestor Picaluna Vashj'ir 57,86 Biel'aran Ridge (Burnished Expanse)

{/ slide} {slide = Northrend}


Northrend (18)

Dungeons (7)

Ancestors of Northrend (18)

The following acenstros are located in Northrend.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Elder Arp Boreal Tundra 57.3, 43.7 DEHTA
Ancestor Beldak Brown hills 60.6, 27.7 Westfall Brigade
Bluewolf Elder Conquest of Winter 49.0, 13.9 Winter's Conquest Fortress
Ancestor Fargal The Storm Peaks 28.9, 73.7 Strong Frost
Ancestor Leadblade The Storm Peaks 41.2, 84.7 K3
Ancestor Lunaro Brown hills 80.5, 37.1 Ruins of Tethys
Ancestor Morthie Dragon's cementery 29.7, 55.9 Star Rest
Ancestor Muraco The Storm Peaks 64.6, 51.3 Camp Taunka'lo
Northal Ancestor Boreal Tundra 33.8, 34.4 Transit shield
Ancestor Pamuya Boreal Tundra 42.9, 49.6 Warsong Hold
Ancestor Sandrene Sholazar Basin 49.8, 63.0 Lake track
Ancestor Sardis Boreal Tundra 59.1, 65.6 Valiance Fortress
Skywarden Elder Dragon's cementery 35.1, 48.3 Agmar hammer
Stonebeard Elder The Storm Peaks 31.3, 37.6 Refuge of Pedruscón
Taurus Ancestor Zul'Drak 58.9, 56.0 Zim'Torga
Ancestor Thoim Dragon's cementery 48.8, 78.2 Port Moa'ki
Ancestor Wanikaya Sholazar Basin 63.8, 49.0 Rainspeak Rapids
Elder Whurain Brown hills 64.2, 47.0 Camp Oneqwah

Ancestors of the dungeons (7)

The following acenstros are found inside the dungeons.

Ancestor Neighborhood coordinates Location
Ancestor Chogan'gada Utgarde Pinnacle Approx. I go down the stairs before Skadi the Ruthless
Ancestor Igasho The nexus Approx. To the right of the ramp Ormorok the Talador
Ancestor Jarten Utgarde fortress Approx. After Prince keleseth
Ancestor Kilias Drak'Tharon Fortress Approx. King dred
Ancestor Nurgen Azjol-Nerub Approx. From Hadronox
Elder Ohanzee Gundrak Approx. Before Drakkari Colossus
Ancestor Yurauk Stone Chambers Approx. On the way to krystallus

{/ Slide}

You will always find a mission

An ancient achievement

As in all events we have certain achievements that we must complete if we want to achieve the title of Ancestor and the achievement of Honor personal ancestors, which is one more step to get.It's been a long and rare journey and get the Reins of the Violet Proto-Drake.

Coins of the Lineage

Valadar Starsong y Fariel Starsong are in Clear of the moon, where they enden objects in exchange for

Coin of Ancestry. All the objects they sell are linked when you collect. Although we can only get a maximum of 84

Coin of Ancestryper year, they do not expire, so if we have any coins left from the previous year we can use them this year to get more prizes!

Pet Lantern

The novelties for this year are the

Moon lantern (Alliance) and the

Festival lantern (Horde) for 50

Coin of Ancestry. These Lanterns are blue / red respectively and have a style similar to the lanterns that decorate all areas of the Lunar Festival. Looking back on the fall of 2011, we were informed that all holiday pets would not be soul bound when collected, so dedicated players can collect multiple lanterns and trade them with other players through trade or auctions. In this way we can also get the Lantern of the opposite faction (although

Lump of coalended up binding when picking up, we will have to wait to confirm that the lanterns are not binding).

Consumables, fireworks and dresses

Sold by Valadar Starsong:

Object Cost

Festive dumplings


Lunar Festival Fireworks Package


Green party dress


Pink party dress


Purple party dress


Black party pantsuit


Blue party pantsuit


Teal party pantsuit



Sold by Fariel Starsong:

Object Cost

Pattern: Party Dress


Pattern: Party Suit


Schematic: Drawshooter


Schematic: Fireworks Launcher


Small rocket recipes, can contain:



Large rocket recipes, can contain:



Rocket fireworks recipes, can contain:



Large rocket fireworks recipes, can contain:




El Lunar Festival MerchantIt can be found in any area of ​​the Lunar Festival in the main cities. This merchant sells a wide variety of fireworks, as well as an alcoholic drink with an interesting side effect!

Object Cost

Lunar glow


Small blue rocket


Small green rocket


Small red rocket


Blue rocket firecracker


Green rocket firecracker


Red rocket firecracker


Festive firecracker


Sold by Valadar Starsong:

Object Cost

Elune's candle


And with this we end the event, hoping that you have time to complete all the achievements and missions.

Happy Lunar Festival!

Source: The Big WOW Database, wowhead

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  1.   fernando said

    the ancestor of straholmen this bug does not come out
    and the falls have made me lose a coin of the lineage