Próximos ajustes de clases en el parche 7.1.5

Próximos ajustes de clases en el parche 7.1.5

¡Aloha! Próximos ajustes y cambios en vivo de clases en el parche 7.1.5 que se efectuarán antes de la apertura de Bastión Nocturno.

Próximos ajustes de clases en el parche 7.1.5

Caballero de la muerte


Cazador de Demonios










Viajero del viento





  • Ahora los abalorios que infligen daño a un sólo objetivo infligen un 45% de su daño normal (antes 40%).
  • Ahora los abalorios que infligen daño a múltiples objetivos infligen un 35% de su daño normal (antes 25%).









  • Ahora Agonía tiene su probabilidad al completo de generar un Fragmento de alma en Efigie de alma (antes un 55% de la probabilidad normal).
  • Ahora Yugo maléfico aumenta el daño de los efectos de daño sobre el tiempo un 70% (antes un 80%).




Objetos Legendarios

Especializaciones DPS




Texto original

[azul autor=»Blizzard» fuente=»″]
    Hey all. As with each major patch that significantly changes class spells and abilities, we review tuning based on live data once it’s live, to look for any tuning issues that may have arisen. Based on that, we’re planning to make the following changes during the next weekly restarts in each region. We’ll continue to pay close attention to each spec’s performance as players progress through the Nighthold, and are ready to make further adjustments as necessary.


    Death Knight

  • Blood
    • Blooddrinker damage reduced by 40% (unchanged in PvP).
  • Demon Hunter

  • Havoc
    • Annihilation, Blade Dance, Chaos Nova, Chaos Strike, Death Sweep, Demon Blades, Demon’s Bite, Eye Beam, Fel Barrage, Fel Eruption, Fel Rush, Fury of the Illidari, Metamorphosis, and Throw Glaive damage reduced by 2%.
    • Fel Mastery now grants 30 Fury (up from 25).
    • Chaos Blades now increases autoattack damage by 150% (down from 200%).
  • Hunter

  • Beast Mastery
    • Cobra Shot damage increased by 46%.
    • Chimaera Shot damage increased by 10%.
    • Barrage damage increased by 10%.
    • Kill Command damage increased by 10%.
  • Marksmanship
    • Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot, Barrage, Black Arrow, Bursting Shot, Marked Shot, Multi-shot, Murder of Crows, Piercing Shot, Sidewinders, Volley, and Windburst damage increased by 8%.
  • Survival
    • Carve, Flanking Strike, Explosive Trap direct damage, Flanking Strike, Mongoose Bite, Raptor Strike damage increased by 7%.
    • Explosive Trap damage over time, Lacerate, and Serpent Sting damage increased by 12%.
    • Caltrops damage reduced by 10%.
  • Mage

  • Fire
    • Flame Patch damage reduced by 17%.
  • Frost
    • Ray of Frost damage increased by 12%.
  • Monk

  • Windwalker
    • Rushing Jade Wind now applies Mark of the Crane to 4 targets (down from 5).
  • Paladin

  • Retribution
    • Execution Sentence damage reduced by 15%.
  • Priest

  • Discipline
    • Trinkets that deal single-target damage now deal 45% of normal damage (up from 40%).
    • Trinkets that deal multi-target damage now deal 35% of normal damage (up from 25%).
  • Shadow
    • Mind Blast, Mind Flay, Shadow Crash, Shadow Word: Death, Shadow Word: Void, Shadowy Apparition, Void Bolt, Void Torrent, and Void Eruption damage reduced by 4%.
    • Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 11%.
    • Vampiric Touch damage reduced by 14%.
  • Rogue

  • Assassination
    • Agonizing Poison increases damage by 3.5% per stack (down from 4%).
  • Shaman

  • Elemental
    • Lightning Bolt damage increased by 9%.
  • Enhancement
    • Crash Lightning, Flametongue, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Windfury, and Windsong damage increased by 4%.
    • Hailstorm damage increased by 29%.
    • Boulderfist damage increased by 15%.
    • Fury of Air damage reduced by 12%.
    • Doom Vortex damage increased by 33%.
  • Warlock

  • Affliction
    • Agony now has its full chance to generate a Soul Shard on Soul Effigy (up from a 55% of normal chance).
    • Malefic Grasp now increases the damage of damage over time effects by 70% (down from 80%).
  • Demonology
    • Shadowbolt damage increased by 42%.
    • Demonbolt damage increased by 42%, but its damage is now increased by 10% per active demon (down from 18%).
  • Warrior

  • Protection
    • Charge, Devastate, Devastator, Heroic Throw, Ravager, Shield Slam, Victory Rush, and Deep Wounds damage reduced by 5%.
    • Revenge and Thunder Clap damage reduced by 14%.
  • Legendary Items

  • DPS Specs
    • Kiljaeden’s Burning Wish: Damage increased by 55%.
  • Paladin
    • Chain of Thrayn: Damage bonus reduced from 20% to 10%.
  • Priest
    • Mother Shahraz’s Seduction: Stacks of Voidform gained when entering Voidform reduced from 5 to 3.
    • Zeks Exterminatus: Damage bonus increased from 25% to 100%.
  • Rogue
    • Duskwalker Footpads: Energy needed per 1 second of CDR for Vendetta increased from 50 to 65.
  • Additionally, we’re planning to make some general changes to PvP balance, with the intent of lowering overall damage from a few overperforming specs and talents. Those exact changes have not yet been finalized, but we’ll share them as soon as we are able.


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